Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 19, 2017 0820 Vietnam Time Hue

The busy schedule in the 95-98F heat of the past couple days has made it tough to settle down to blog writing. I need to get to Hearts for Hue to meet Khanh this morning, but will at least provide details of Monday's visit to Ms. Hanh. Sorry for being a slacker!


After working our way down narrow paths for some time, Khanh and I finally arrived at the house of Ms. Hanh and her sister around 1500 hrs. As usual, Ms. Hanh greeted us with her ever-present broad smile. Little did she know that, in about 15 minutes, a very special surprise would arrive.

Eager to show us her pigs, she led us back to their confinement area. When initially arriving at her house, by the way, we noted a person departing with a just-purchased piglet strapped to her motorbike. In the pen was a sow with  piglets, each young one awaiting a new home. Ms. Hanh, born with no arms, tends to the animals with her feet. It was great to see that our piglet program is working as intended by providing income and security for rural, impoverished villagers with disabilities.


While we were still admiring the pigs, the surprise arrived...exactly as planned! In came a delivery man carting a large corrugated box. What the heck is that, I inquired. Unpacking the item revealed a brand-new Samsung refrigerator. Disbelief, surprise, joy....Ms. Hanh and her sister, for the first time in their lives, have refrigeration. The delivery fellow explained the warranty and operation of the unit,  cautioning not to plug into power until the following morning. The refrigerant needs to settle, of course. Ms. Hanh can open the fridge with her feet, a feat that I attempted with success. It was positively great!

While enjoying tea and conversation for some time, the fridge-realted excitement was most apparent. Sitting beside Ms. Hanh, I felt something touching my hand.  A smiling Ms. Hanh had grasped my hand with her toes. We were "holding hands". It doesn't get much better than this.  I thought sure that Khanh snapped a photo of this amazing experience, but it's not in my computer. If it surfaces, I'll get it off to you.

We are going back to visit Ms. Hanh this AM. I have purchased refrigerator containers and ice cube trays as additional gifts. We also have more visits set for today, but I'll provide details when the dust settles. 

I hope to be able to write more tonight. I'm pushing north to Dong Ha/Nhi Ha/DMZ via bus tomorrow AM. 


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