Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 26, 2017 1330 Vietnam Time Hoi An

Nhung and I departed my Dong Ha hotel at 0630 and struck forth on the 30/40-minute drive to Nhi Ha. In '68, after being airlifted to Dong Ha, we were 196th Light Infantry troops, marching this same route. 29 of us didn't make it back out. 
Upon arrival at Nhi Ha Commune Building, we set to work preparing for the distribution of piglets to 20 families. The little oinkers, packed like sardines, arrived on two motorbikes. As the recipients arrived, bringing their own transport containers, distribution began. Fortunately for the young piglets, a light rain provided a much-needed cooling. One by one the piglets were loaded into each transport container, the recipients signing to acknowledge receipt. The little piglets seemed relieved to have been released from their previous confinement. Some folks had nice wire cages, while others just utilized woven plastic sacks for the short trip home. By the way, each piglet had its required inspection and inoculations. It was interesting to observe the pigs being loaded onto bicycles and motorbikes for transport to their new home. In a few months, there will be 20 litters and many new piglets in Nhi Ha. This will provide income and security for the impoverished disabled, and disadvantaged recipients, who are selected by a local officials based upon situation 
and need. 

Nhung Coordinating Activities

I must point out that one contributor to the Nhi Ha Piglet Project did so conditionally. It was demanded that "their" pig be named "Neil". So, you will see a photo of Neil the Pig. Folks from my hometown of Versailles, Ohio might well determine the identity of these former classmates, who happen to be named Joe and Pam. I'm just pleased that Neil the Pig's owner had a nice cage in lieu of a little sack. Otherwise, I could have potentially ended up half in the bag.

Neil The Pig

Neil the Pig

Neil Going Home

Off Goes Neil

When my guys fought a long, hard battle at Nhi Ha in May '68, this hamlet had been completely obliterated by war. One could have never imaged that a village had ever existed at that desolate, bomb crater riddled spot. Now we're breathing life into Nhi Ha by providing deserving, hard-working folks with the means to produce income for their families. Further, we're helping the children of Nhi Ha. In a nutshell, we're helping, healing, and building bridges. 

May 3, 1968 US air strikes on NVA entrenchments in support of our ground assaults-Nhi Ha (Hannan Photo)

Nhi Ha May '68 (Hannan Photo)

Sgt. Stone (Stoney)-Nhi Ha My '68  (Stone Photo)

Enemy (NVA) Artillery Hitting Our Position-Nhi Ha. Jones Creek in Foreground

On Nhi Ha main road, facing Jones Creek. We endured constant artillery and repeated NVA night attacks at this position. A short distance north (to the right of photo) is where two platoons from my company fought a meat-grinder battle with Col. Tha's forces May 6.  This spot is very near the current Nhi Ha Schools and piglet distribution point.

After repeated assaults against a large, entrenched NVA force, we finally took Nhi Ha. Immediately, under NVA artillery attack, we hastily dug/built bunkers. This was mine. It was located near the path through Nhi Ha...now the main road. We endured multiple NVA night assaults at this position. (Hannan Photo)

 These female piglets will be pushing out babies before too long, so I expect Nhi Ha to be wallowing in pigs by my return next year. Nhung and I have decided that the focus should be the chidren of Nhi Ha in 2018. Providing small backpacks and books for the library are ideas that have been suggested. 
I want to acknowledge the coordinating effort and hard work of Nhung, who has been instrumental in the success of each of our 2016/2107 endeavors at Nhi Ha . Her ability, focus, and drive are amazing. Thank you, Nhung!!
And thus ends another return to Nhi Ha.

Nhung (pink top) Facilitating Activities

Pig in a Poke

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