Monday, April 3, 2017

April 4, 2017 0730 Hong Kong, China

Well, well. How my Cathay Pacific flight could depart Los Angeles on time, yet arrive in Hong Kong one hour late is a mystery to me. Anyway, the late arrival caused  me to miss the connecting flight to Saigon yesterday. So, Cathay Pacific set me up with a voucher for a hotel here at the airport and meals. So, now I've worked through the security and additional screening...including a further search of my carry-on...and am at my departure gate. Arrival in Saigon is 1010 hrs...same flight as 2015 and 2016. Bottom line is that I'm into Saigon at 1010 April 4 instead of 1750 April 3. I manged to adjust the hotel reservation and have informed Thong of the change in plans. Now it's just tonight in Saigon with an early train or bus tomorrow to Nha Trang to meet, for the third time, with Col. Tha. Twists and turns.

The polluted air here in China is obvious by merely glancing out the window.  Couldn't and wouldn't inflict that upon myself.  Hey, isn't President Trump in China now?  Headlines read, "Trump & Hannan Arrive in China. Negotiations Scheduled".

With an anticipated plane to plane situation here, I was back on forth on whether to pack the Hong Kong power adapter.  I decided not to do so and now am down to a smidgen of power in this Macbook. Not a big deal, though.

The next transmission will be from 'Nam.


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